Thursday, January 10, 2008

Some News....

APC is opening a surplus store with stuff from the prior seasons in Brooklyn....andddd I will be starting at Kiehl's on Tuesday for a month "try out", I will be working on some packaging....Also my parents are going to China, Malaysia, the Phillipines, Singapore next week, so if you have any cool places you recommend please let me know, my mom is going to be doing some exploring while my dad is at work, so any suggestions are welcome! I will be back in the city on Monday...Meanwhile I am still working at Galerie Perrotin, check it out!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

One of the cooler things I've seen in a while...

Peter Goldlust makes some serious work with a preschooler's favorite medium.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

In Keeping with resolutions...

I just won these on Ebay :)
I hope they fit my calves!

New Favorite

One of my favorite things to do when I'm in Miami is pay a visit to the Standard Hotel. Its near the beach, but without the stress of parking and traffic, and sand. Don't get me wrong I love the beach, but the Standard is this amazing little gem that not many of the locals know about. I went with some friends for the day, you buy a $40 pass and you get a yoga class, a locker with a robe, access to the indoor saunas, baths, and steam room, plus the outdoor pools. Its makes the hecticness of being home feel a little more like a vacation. Not only the pools, but the entire complex is just so well done and decorated. Sunday nights they have a little party and hold a Bingo competition in the lobby. Anyway, I will be going back Sunday hopefully I win (they have good prizes)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I used to love these when I was little, I had all different colors and now OAK is carrying them, and I quite like them, except you can definitely get them cheaper if you search online. Palladium boots. Get some and maybe so will I.

For those who aren't in NY

APC is having its online sale. I picked up that dress I wanted way back with the flowers, but in off white, the navy was sold out.

Change of Plans...

So as some may know, I was supposed to be starting the year off freelancing at Kiehls, but the person who hired me has dissappeared, and not returned one of my 4 emails or phonecalls. So I have changed my ticket and will be staying in Miami until after my friends wedding on the 11th. Luckily, I've been given a chance to work at my favorite gallery, Emmanuel Perrotin until I go back. I hung out with my friend that works there and some of her coworkers where between 5 of us we devoured 10 bottles of champagne on Friday, it was quite fun and relaxing and made me appreciate being home for now.
Here is an image of a Peter Coffin sculpture that is up now.