Saturday, March 8, 2008

Yesterday it was decided this historic Coppertone Ad would not be put away forever. This ad one of my favorite things to see when being driven as a kid to my friends house in Miami Beach. It was decided that they would take it town to refurbish it, then put it back in its original location. Apparently Coppertone was developed by a phamacist in Miami many years ago. Right now I am awake solely because my sunburn is so bad! I need to come home more often.


ashley said...

aw good! i am happy to hear that they will leave it be. i also have fond childhood memories of coppertone :)

The Retro Syndicate said...

Hola Jesicola,
We love this ad and this photo! Thank you for sharing!
We, The Retro Syndicate, are holding The Retro Design Rescue (all over This World and vicinity!). Maybe you want to take part of it with a retro picture/s by you. It´s free and funny! You will be wellcome if you feel like sending a image to for our photo gallery.
Greetings from Madrid!