Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Not that its a big deal, although being openly starstruck is shunned in this city lol, but Karen O. just picked up her laundry next to me, I let her butt since I couldn't find my ticket. I love her.


etoilee8 said...

When I lived in New York, I was so BAD about hiding my starstuck-ness. I was in Soho during the day and by the end of the day, I would always end up getting on the metro mouth agape, eyes wide. Yeah, I'm lame but whatever. . .

etoilee8 said...

When I lived in New York, I was so BAD about hiding my starstuck-ness. I was in Soho during the day and by the end of the day, I would always end up getting on the metro mouth agape, eyes wide. Yeah, I'm lame but whatever. . .

Jaclyn Johnson said...

love your blog. love karen o. :)